Shelter to Soldier Will Host Fundrasier on July 28th to Benefit Combat Veterans

Shelter to Soldier Will Host Fundrasier on July 28th to Benefit Combat Veterans


Schubach Aviation hosted the inaugural Shelter to Soldier fundraiser at our hangar last year. We are proud to support this organization’s 2nd annual benefit.

Shelter to Soldier, a San Diego-based 501 c 3 non-profit organization that rescues shelter dogs and trains them to become certified psychiatric service companions for post 9/11 U.S. combat Veterans suffering from PTSD, is hosting their 2nd annual benefit on Monday, July 28, 2014. The event will be held from 6:00 to 10:00 pm at The Ultimate Skybox located in downtown San Diego. Festivities include a private screening of the “Bucket List” feature film (starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) including exclusive Q and A with Producer and Screenwriter Justin Zackham, catered food and beverage stations, silent and live auctions and an opportunity drawing. Event proceeds will directly support the outreach efforts to rescue shelter dogs facing an uncertain future and underwrite fees to enroll them in a 9-12 month training program. The dogs will then be placed with American military Veterans free of charge to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD. Tickets to attend the event are $100 per person and can be purchased at or by calling 855-CUS-TMK9 (855-287-8659).

Every day, approximately 10,000 unwanted dogs are euthanized at shelters across America, while 22 U.S. soldiers commit suicide. These alarming statistics prompted Shelter to Soldier to provide alternative medicine through psychiatric service dogs. Shelter to Soldier Founder, Graham Bloem, explains, “Our 2014- 2015 goals are to place Charlie, Sandy, Kira, Calver, Charger and Tank, our six dogs currently in training, and to train ten additional new dogs. Our long-term goal is to grow the program to a national level, and to finalize the opening of our dog training school that will offer job placement opportunities to top graduates with an emphasis on recruiting Veteran students. Perhaps a text message I received from a recently enrolled Veteran sums it up best: ‘I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for us sir; I seriously think Ty saved my life’. Corporal James Norvell, USMC (Ret). ”

The event on July 28th includes food and beverages provided by: Toast Catering; The Wild Thyme Catering; Nobleza Tequila; Cupcakes Squared; Baja Olive & Sadie Rose Baking Co.; Event Beverage Solutions; Searsucker San Diego and Creative Catering & Events. Event sponsors include: Specialty Dog Training, The Ultimate Skybox; Schubach Aviation; Griffin Funding; Ranch & Coast Magazine and Creative Affairs, Inc

Corporal James Norvell and guests with his service dog Ty

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