With a range of 3,900 statute miles, the Gulfstream G200 is specifically designed for traveling long distances in reliable comfort and safety.


Passengers 10
Crew 2
Range 3,900 nm
Cargo Space 125 ft3
WiFi Yes
Airshow Yes
Worldwide Satphone Yes
Refreshment Center Yes
Full Galley Yes
Private Restroom Yes


Gulfstream G450 Layout


The Gulfstream G200 is world renowned for its exceptional performance and fuel economy, plus a spacious, largest-in-class 6’3” tall, 869 cubic-foot cabin. Cabin comforts, well-suited to  non-stop, coast-to-coast travel, include Gulfstream’s signature oval shaped windows that maximize natural light and allow passengers to view the world below in addition to a climate control system that continuously pumps 100% fresh, non-recirculated air every two to three minutes. Flexible seating comfortably accommodates up to ten passengers, with four club seats, four seats with a conference/dining table, and divan for two (that can also be used as a bed). Premium appointments include two separate cabin seating zones with their own temperature controls, power outlets for each passenger, full-service galley and refreshment center, private lavatory, and a generous 25 cubic-foot baggage compartment accessible in-flight. Plus, entertainment center, WIFI, bluetooth for music, and airshow screens.