
What is The Average Hourly Rate of a Light Jet?

  In today’s charter market there are many different pricing structures, this can make it difficult to understand what the true value is. A good starting point is to know the average retail hourly rate for each class of jet. These rates are based on total flight time including positioning legs back to the airplane’s base. In other words, if you are...

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Uncovering the Magic of the Cessna Citation Sovereign

I often get requests for charters that just don’t seem to fit any airplanes in the area. The aircraft are either too expensive to carry the number of people, don’t have enough baggage room, or the airport is too small. The Cessna Citation Sovereign, however, is an airplane that can meet the needs of most of your dream trips. Cessna has been...

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The Schubach Fleet Review: Which Aircraft is Right For Your Travel Plans?

  Schubach Aviation offers a variety of aircraft to choose from within its ten-aircraft fleet. From a small turbo prop that can carry seven to eight passengers on a quick flight, to the Gulfstream IV that can fly worldwide, there’s an option that fits the needs of any mission. Turbo Props Schubach Aviation has one turboprop in its fleet: ·     ŸŸŸKing Air 100 One of...

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Green Skies Ahead For Schubach Aviation

Schubach Aviation, San Diego’s premier on-demand air charter service, is offering a carbon-neutral travel program, giving environmentally conscious passengers the option to fly in an aircraft that supports clean energy. The program balances the impact of energy use by supporting an equivalent amount of wind energy production through the purchase of Green-e Certified® Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). In other words, for...

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